Vmcv Bandeau Programme Aspirant Conducteur@3x 1


“Aspiring driver”

Aspiring driver: your new professional destination

The “Aspiring driver” program is designed to support young professionals and people looking to retrain for a career as a qualified bus driver.

Vmcv Bandeau Emploi Chauffeur De Bus Image 01

This course aims to provide comprehensive training, covering not only the essential technical skills, but also the specifics of driving VMCV vehicles.

Throughout the program, aspiring drivers acquire the necessary knowledge of safety, regulations and customer service, while learning about the challenges of the driving profession.

This training represents a gateway to a rewarding career within our company, offering a dynamic and modern working environment, and giving future drivers the opportunity to actively contribute to the development of the Riviera region and its inhabitants.

Prerequisites for applying to the program

To be eligible for the “Aspiring Driver” program, candidates must meet the following prerequisites:

Vmcv Emploi Picto Age

21 years of age or older

Vmcv Employment Picto Certificate

Hold a Certificat
Fédéral de Capacité (CFC)
or a qualification deemed

Vmcv Emploi Picto Permis

Hold a valid category B or C driving licence

Vmcv Employment Picto Criminal record

Have a clean criminal record
and a clean record of
road traffic measures (SIAC)